Monday, April 27, 2009

Be Doers


In James chapter 1 we are given a lot of information, mostly about how to live as Christians. Just after James tells us in verse 22 "Be Doers of the, and not hearers only, thereby deceiving yourselves." he goes on to say in verse 27 "to visit orphans and widows in their trouble..." I am pretty sure God had James write this in that order for a specific purpose. He first got our attention by demanding that we not just listen to preachers and read our bibles, but to go out and DO what the Bible and the preachers tell us we should be doing. So I am in turn going to ask every Christ-minded individual out there... What have you done to take care of the widows and the orphans today?
Go, Do, make a difference and share the Love of God with His children who are hurting.

May you be blessed

Friday, April 17, 2009

Get Used by God

John 9:1-3
Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a blind man who was blind from Birth.
And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
Jesus Answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him."
in verse 6 Jesus gives sight to the blind man.

Wow, did you get that? Have you ever avoided helping someone because you thought that maybe they brought bad times into their own lives? All over this planet there are people suffering, who have not brought calamity upon themselves... I think that they may simply be waiting for God to use them to reveal Himself through US, thats right, you and me. Just as Jesus revealed God through His work in the blind man, we have been called to reveal God through His love- evident in us as we care about those less fortunate than us.

Many Christians have been trained to reproach certain people- we can't deny it- AIDS victims have such an ungodly stigma around them that churches are loathe to offer support to those inflicted with a "sin-based disease" but what about the children born with AIDS?

I beg you to go and find a way to Reveal God in someone. Make a difference in a life so that when they are asked their story they can say that "I was broken, hungry, wounded, depressed and without hope, but GOD showed love to me and now I am whole. The void in my life has been filled. Do you not see Him?"

Go, and Bless someone today - reveal God in an unexpected way.